Type of articles

Originality y exclusiveness

Articles must be forwarded  to  the  Journal  Editor together  with  a  letter  certifying  that  these  are  un published and original, that is, the author or authorscertify  and  accept  that:  a)   The  text  has  not  been forwarded  simultaneously  to  another  journal  or  b) that  the  text  has  not  been  previously  published  or accepted for publication in any other journal (see the Declaration of Originality form).

Publication dates

The  journal  will  be  published  on  January  and  July yearly. Articles in  Spanish, English,  Portuguese  and French will be accepted.

Kind of articles accepted

Research  and  innovation  articles  will  be  received,understood as “original and unpublished production”[1](TMG-COLCIENCIAS,  2013,  p.  32), “on scientific, technological   or   academic   subjects,   as   result   of  research, reflection or review processes” (p. 32). They will be evaluated by peers who appreciate originality, contribution, and validation of results.

The article  categories  preferably  applicable  for  their publication in the magazine are[2]:

Scientific and technological  research  articles:  Documents that show, in a detailed manner, the original results of research projects. The structure generally   used   has  four   parts:   Introduction, methodologies, results, and conclusions.

Reflection articles: Documents that show the results of a research from an author’s analytical, investigative, or critical  perspective  about  a  specific topic and resorting to original sources.

Review article: Documents resulting  from  a research  where  published  or  unpublished  results are analyzed, systematized and integrated about  a  scientific  or  technical  field,  with  the  purpose  of  showing  the  progress  and  tendencies  in  their  development. These documents are characterized by a conscientious bibliogra-phical review of at least fifty (50) references.


[1] See terms of reference for measurement of research groups 2013

[2] Information taken from the índice Bibliográfico Nacional Publindex.  Available in Accessed on June 18th, 2010