Reception, arbitration, approval, and publication of articles

The    procedure    for    the    reception,    arbitration, approval,  and  publication  of  articles  will  go  through the following stages: reception, editorial review, peer review, acceptance or refusal of texts, style correction, layout, publishing and delivery of copies.


Reception of articles

The articles will be received in an electronic text format at the e-mail account or through  the  OJS  application

The documents will  be  received  in  two  due dates, first date (November- February), second date (May-August). However, the Journal could receive submissions any time of the year.

Articles must be registered  according  to  due dates. A notice will be sent via e-mail.


First editorial review

The editorial committee,  by  means  of  the  editor,  will  check  the  fulfillment  of  all  the formal  aspects  established  in  the  publication regulations for authors and the pertinence with the journal topic scope.

The original could be returned to the sender(s) if formal failure to comply with the regulations is observed, and  will  only  be  sent  to  revision  and  evaluation  once  informed  changes  are  made by the author(s) via e-mail.

The editorial committee  can  also  return  an  original if it does not adjust to the topic domain of  the  journal.  This  decision  will  be  informed  via e-mail.

Once accomplished all the formal aspects and previous to a  favorable  pertinence  concept,  the  committee  will  check  the  document  and  send it to external evaluators.


External or peer review

Once accomplished the editorial review stage, articles are sent to external or peer evaluation.

The journal will use the Double Blind Review System, which guarantees  the  peer evaluators  and  authors’  anonymity,  in  order  to  avoid  personal, ideological, gender or any other kind of  interference  along  the  evaluation  process  and scientific publication.

The journal counts    on    a    national    and   international   peer   directory   (peer   review) pointing  out  to  the  topics  contained  in  the journal.

The selection of external evaluation peers will be carried out  taking  into  consideration  their prove knowledge and academic production in specific areas.

The selection of evaluators for each article will be in the  hands  of  the  Editorial  Committee,  according to the content of each text. Articles will be submitted to two (2) external evaluators; in case of disagreement between them, a third evaluator  might be  consulted,  as  decided  by the Editorial Committee.

External evaluators will  be  contacted  for  the submission  of  the  document  to  be  evaluated, once  accepted  the  designation  made  by  the Editorial Committee, previous manifestation of confidentiality  and  security.  They  will  have  8 days for the submission of the evaluation with the pertaining recommendations.

External evaluation results  will  be  sent  to  the Editor via e-mail, and he/she will be in charge of  sending  this  information  to  the  authors anonymously.


Approval or rejection of documents

Taking into account  the  evaluators’  reports, the  Editor  will  contact  the  author(s)  to  inform the  approval,  approval  with  modifications  or corrections or rejection of the article.

 In the case of approved articles, authors will be informed via e-mail about the due dates.

 If articles are accepted after previous revision, modification or corrections,  the editor  will  send the evaluation and suggestions.

The author will have 8 days to send the article back with the modifications and/or corrections suggested by the evaluators through the editor. Otherwise, it will be  understood  that  authors revoked their proposals.

Once received the texts, they will be sent back again to the  evaluators  or  to  the  members  of  the  Editorial  Committee  for  5  days  in  order  for  them  to  verify  if  changes  were  made  in  compliance with evaluators’ suggestions.

After verifying the  corrections,  evaluators  will  send  their  final  consent  and  the editor  will  notify the authors.

If the document is rejected, the editor will send the author an e-mail pointing out the reasons.

Once accepted the  document,  el  author(s)  must  submit  a)  the  authorization  format  for  publication and reproduction, b) the format for Property Rights transfer.

The ideas and  opinions  stated  in  the  articles  are the author’s responsibility and they do not necessarily reflect the editorial opinion.

The Editorial Committee  reserves  to  itself  the  decision  concerning  the  issue  in  which  the  article  will  be  published,  following  editorial  criteria that will be notified to the author(s).


Style correction and layout

Once approved, the articles will be subject to morpho-syntactic and style revision.

Having received the  corrections,  authors  can  make  and  suggest  modifications and  approve  form changes.

When changes are   made,   the   editor   will   submit,   in   PDF   format,   the   last   designed  draft  for  revision. No structural  changes  are allowed in approved documents.