Generalities and scope

Orientation, objectives and theme of the journal

Via Iuris is a publication of the Faculty of Law, Political Science and International Affairs at Los Libertadores University, which is biannually published (January and July). Its editorial interest is put on the publication and diffusion of internal and external research results, both nationally and internationally. It intends to articulate topics  of  juridical  and  socio-juridical  interest  with other  fields  such  as  Political  Science,  International Affairs  and  Humanities  in  general,  which  are  finally the areas where documents will be received.


Target audience

The publication is addressed to specialized academic communities,  research  groups,  and  researchers  in  general, interested in publishing the results obtained in  their  research  efforts  carried  out  on  the  topics  presented by the journal.

The Vía Iuris Journal publication is not intended to publish formative research work, classroom work or research seedlings.

Scientific area according to the classification of the Organization for Economic Development Cooperation (OECD) (Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation [Colciencias] 2017, p. 197).

Large Area      : 5. Social Sciences

Area                : 5.E Law

Discipline        : 5E01 Right

Area                : 5.1 Other Social Sciences

Discipline        : 5I01 Social sciences, interdisciplinary.



Via Iuris Magazine is a biannual publication, which publishes two issues a year, thus, the first edition covers the period January - June; and the second, July - December. Each edition is published in the months of January and July respectively.



Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores

  • Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores


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