No. 21 (2016): Via Iuris 21
Via Iuris 21


Paula Lucía Arévalo Mutiz Mg., John Jairo Morales Alzate
PDF (Spanish)

Área Jurídica

Eduardo José Acuña Gamba
State liability in geological faults
PDF (Spanish)
Breidy Fernando Castro Campos, Daniel Fernando Ladino Andrade, Andrés Felipe Quintero Quino, Cristhian Camilo Mariaca Majé, Óscar Fernando Moreno Monje
Secular State: a reflection on the twentieth anniversary of the right to freedom worship
PDF (Spanish)
María Crojethovic
Universalism in health. The reconstruction of a debate on rights
PDF (Spanish)
Wilson René González Cortés
Political process, legal and constitutional model of land owning in the Bolivarian Venezuela
PDF (Spanish)

Área de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales

Ofelia Castro Castell, Robert Ojeda Pérez, Luisa Fernanda Sánchez Murillo, Nicole Alejandra Reyes Ospina, Karen Vanesa Rodríguez Núñez
Analysis of the foreign trade policies to reduce the entrance of textile and footware products from China
PDF (Spanish)